September 20, 2018 8:30 am | September 20, 2018 5:00 pm | Whiskey Creek Golf Club
The MDDCWA 10th Annual Charity Golf Classic was a huge success! We raised over $40k for local charities, while having an outstanding event for those attending. Thank you to all of our sponsors and our MDDCWA Board members!
Click here for the event gallery or visit, password 94247.
See below for great aerial photos and video from the event!
Great event at our 10th Annual @MDDCWireless charity Golf Classic. We raised over $40k + for local charities, while having an outstanding event for those attending. Thank you for all of our sponsors & our MDDCWA Board members!
— Steve Yapsuga, EMBA (@syaps) October 2, 2018
Location: Whiskey Creek Golf Club